Hi Ya'll,
As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be !
And this is another case of the "Educated Experts" of the world not understanding the "Simple" things of the Lord and his Creation !
When mankind becomes too "Greedy" for his own good and --"Steals"-- every last drop of Natural Honey, which has the needed Natural Alkaline Minerals in it, which are Required to keep those who choose to eat it to stay Healthy, from the bee hive from the bees and choose instead to try to --"Force"-- the Bees to Live on --White Sugar--(Poison)-- water, which does "NOT" have "ANY" Natural Alkaline Minerals left in it, thus Causing the "White Sugar" to act as a --"Poison"-- to the Bees, because now this Causes the Bees to not be able to get the "needed" --"Oxygen"-- in their bodys, thus --Causes-- the Bees to "Die" !
How long can "YOU" Live without "Oxygen" ?
So, "WHY" is it so hard to consider that the Little Bees also need "Oxygen" to be able to Live ?
Just use a Little Bit of "Common Sense" and check with the Natural Bee Keepers, who allow their bees to eat of the Natural Honey , which they gather, and do "NOT" feed "White Sugar" to their Bees , these Bee keepers do "NOT" have "ANY" problem with the Honey Bee Colony Collapse disorder, which those who Feed White Sugar water to their Bees have this problem!
As usual, the "Educated Experts" of the world, who consider themself to be Wiser than their own Creator, have Caused the Death of the Honey Bees to take place, because of their Greed for profit !
Did not the Good book warn about the Wise of the world being confounded by the Simpleness of the Lord ?
Surely it could not be this Simple, could it ?
Simple Sugars(White Sugar), without the needed Alkaline Minerals attached to them, may act as a "Poison" to whoever or whatever eats this Simple Sugar(White Sugar) !
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.