Hi All:
I am taking 5 gms of MSM daily.( divided in 2 doses.) I also take Vitamin C (sodium Ascorbate) with it.
I have noticed bigger/ better BMs. Sometimes when I take too much, diarrhea starts.
Can this amount b taken indefinately. When should I take a break. Is there any harm in supplementing with MSM long term?
gosh, where do i get MOLYBDENUM from. Maybe I should just quit this MSM....
I am getting confused. I read we can take Sodium Molybdate ~ 50 mg just once a month and it will take care of this element... Does it make sense.
Thats interesting, because so far ( figners crossed) I have never had problems with Insomnia. I can crash on the bed and go to sleep.
MSM has not affected my sleep so far.
I have read that MSM is acidic and can make body acidic. So I was wondering were you doing any kind of alkalizing while on MSM protocol.
I alakalise every morning and before bedtime, by drinking a mix of ACV+baking soda..OR lemon+ baking soda. This should be done on an empty stomach.
I also take Buffered Vitamin C ( Sodium Ascorbate). I never take Ascorbic Acid. I always try to neutralise Ascorbic Acid with Baking Soda before I take it.
Perhaps this is the reason, MSM is not giving me any grief (so far) . I like ACV/lemons because it has potassium as well. But I always neutralise the acid with Baking Soda. Give it try.
ACV is in general good. The reason for adding baking soda is to neutralise the acid in it and make it buffered (non -acidic). I have been feeling much better with buffered ACV. Also since the acid is neutralised, it does not bother the teeth....
I got this recipe of ACV+baking sada from a guy named TED who posts on EarhtClinic. Greay guy and great remedy... read it all and then try it if convinced.
Thanks. thats what I read that MSM has the same toxocity as water. I was just wondering that can too much of Sulpur throw some other mineral out of balance.
I kind of like MSM. ( have been on it for past 10 days only) I read that it increases the "cell wall permeability" thus enhancing the absorption of nutrients...I like that concept.
Also I am assuming Vitamin C is pretty non-toxic and can be taken long term. I kind of like the effects of MSM+VitaminC. Just want to make sure, I am on the right track. But I think, I should take breaks from this too. Like, not take it on weekends. 5 days on and 2 days off approach.