breath is a pool of water
fresher and more fluid than the most pristine and bounded lake
with ripples gently flowing
breath is like a river
ride on gentle waves in and out to sea
the undulating current creating
the genesis and primarily causing
what is to be
is in the observing
quietness and yet still
watch with eyes wide shut the gentle rising and piquing
a quality of observing
the wave as if each ion by ion and particle by particle
keep the eye on what attracts
the breath and causes breath to be
what is in breath and who is
breathing the breath and am I in that breath
or is that breath in I
opening and closing and what is breathing
I it is that may encompass
breadth and depth and rising and falling
back into the moment wherein that I in me
perchance go to be inspired by her breath and become a living
soul with respiration in her presence
in my only begotten flesh
sacrifice both by fresh pool of water and of sea
the flesh benefit in seeing
the breath is flowing in and out
breath is still
out and in
breath is free
let it go
let it flow
is it I breathing
or is breath breathing me