coconut oil internally and topically might also help. It depends on if you think the sores are caused by something inside or outside. Honey, believe it or not, is also really good for open sores because it converts to a potent hydrogen peroxide (if I remember correctly. there should be an article in pets& animals or on the honey forum.) My friend had a pet with an oozing foot and the honey worked for that.
If your dog is chewing, rather than licking to clear out the crud, I would think that the dog is irritated some way-- like how we'd itch. So either something is stuck in her paws, or she might have picked up an itchy parasite. Sometimes excessively dry skin makes dog tear themselves up like this, but you didn't mention any skin conditions (often inherent in purebreeds.) I would check the skin and see if it is dry and torn up (like REALLY chapped lips), oozing, bleeding, or what. the cs and the coconut oil will help, but you might also post on the Humaworm forum. He's got a
parasite formula for pets, and a lot of people really love his human product (I did too, though I didn't see any parasites.) Also, you didn't say how many of her paws are in this condition, so I want you to be extra careful about checking the sweat output on your dog. You need to make sure that your dog still is sweating, and still ABLE to sweat (they sweat through their paws and their nose.) If your dog is dry all the time when he/she shouldn't be, then I would invest in a thermometer quickly, check her temp and then be ready to take her to a vet asap. I doubt that's an issue, but something to consider if your dog's inner thermometer isn't working right.
I would consider getting a silverpuppy or a silvergen because buying CS can get really expensive (though I did see a really awesome deal on some high ppm CS-- if I was to buy I'd get that because diluting that down to normal standards would make that bottle last quite awhile.) Plus you could always use CS. And you can always try spritzing the CS on the paws and try to get the dog when she's planning on laying down for awhile so the CS doesn't rub off right away.