I've been trying for lots of years.
As I say, a friend went on kidney dialysis...and explained how two side-by-side sinks, one salty, and one not...with a pinhole between (below the water levels)...will make both sinks equally salty by morning.
Water always seeks equivalent saturation. By molecular exchange, I believe, and/or osmosis.
This means that red dye, poured into a bay on a lake, will color the whole lake, equally (though a lighter, diluted color), by morning.
(We achive a similar result, by stirring, when we make a dye bath for Easter eggs. Then, with an appropriate temperature, and salt, a certain level of color enters the eggshell. Have you ever noticed that some coloring will penetrate through to the inside of the shell?)
In kidney dialysis, where the kidneys are no longer working, the blood is passed between membranes which contain thousands of tiny pinholes. Outside they pass a fluid called heperin, which dilutes the fluid portion of the blood, only, drawing toxins with it, to 'clean' the blood by dilution...then the blood is returned to the patient's body.
(The process, done by healthy kidneys, is far more complex and finely tuned than man can duplicate with a dialysis machine. Still, we try, to save the patient's life.)
Then there is the body's water/salt/mineral/toxin content, as I understand it.
First and foremost is the water/salts solution INSIDE each and every cell. This solution is as near to perfect for the protection and preservation of life as our amazing bodies can make it. I believe it is very close in composition to the amniotic fluid we were incubated in, within the womb.
OUTSIDE and AROUND the cells is water containing salts, minerals, and toxins as our bodies are currently manufacturing from materials we take in, through various means.
When the fluid OUTSIDE the cells contains too many toxins (or too little good salt?), some of the cells empty their perfect water into the mix, to save our lives, and then those cells die.
Sure we have trillions of cells, of many kinds, but if too many of them die, it is not good.
Covering the lot is skin...a porous membrane. (Isn't that nice?)
The theory is that, if we lie in a bath containing water with a 1% solution of the best and most complete minerals (Himalayan crystal salt?), and at body temperature, for 20 to 30 minutes...our skins will allow osmosis between the bath and the fluid AROUND our cells, thus diluting the toxins and restoring the good salts.
Then, according to the theory, it remains to be decided how thoroughly the job has been done, and when we should take another 1% bath. Here is where 'judgement' comes in.
On the other hand, if we take our salts by mouth, we rely entirely on 'judgement' (taste) to know what is truly needed, and what will 'happen' if we consume more salt than usual.
'Judgement' may have become skewed by habit; and even a small amount of extra salt may give us the trots.
I come down, so far, in favor of a 1% solution of Himalayan crystal salt in the bath...though I need someone to tell me that it worked fine for them, before I try it. (I am quite chicken.)
If I don't get this kind of reassurance, I'll check with a couple of healthcare practitioners I know, and be guided by what they determine.
Or, I may try a 1% solution in a footbath.
You see, I am toying with the notion that edema (oedema), swelling of the flesh, is nothing more than a poor solution of water OUTSIDE the cells.
I even speculate that enlarged organs may simply be edema. DO NOT QUOTE ME! DON'T EVEN BELIEVE ME!!!
I am NOT any kind of an expert! Nor have I experimented on myself!
I discuss this here, ONLY to share my thoughts...to get feedback from others who may have thought this out.
I have had a heck of a time with my own habits. It has been a huge difficulty to 'force feed' myself more water, but I've done well. And, I am a smoker. I suspect that there is something in cigarette smoke that my body craves desperately. (I should be surprised???)
I HAVE been able to change my diet quite wonderfully, and not suffer a bit.
(Imagine ME, the original Cheesehead, giving it up, cold turkey, after a lifetime of consumption! Yesterday and today, however, we had a feed of home-made macaroni and cheese...just because my dh misses it so. Hm-m-m... He, on the other hand, gave up bacon, and hasn't relapsed.)
So, there it is, folks...a fledgling's thoughts on the possible preference for a salt bath, over oral consumption.
We got some pink Himalayan crystal salt, table-ready grind, supposedly 100% pure, from our local healthfood store. I can reach it with my hand, sitting here.
A few feet behind me, a chunk of the same salt contains a lightbulb, and is on 24/7, just in case.
Seek your own answers, my friends. I am just learning.
Anyone know how
parasites react to a balanced water/salt/mineral/toxin content of the body?
My best,
Daisy4's post in the Salt forum...
Oh yes, the article mentions that the kidneys can only get rid of a certain amount, daily, if we actually have an excess of salt, or too much of the wrong kind.
Another website mentioned that people eat too much butter (or marg), simply for the salt it contains...which ISN'T Himalayan crystal, I'm sure. The same for potato chips, etc., I guess.