How often do you think peroxide can/should be used for sinus irrigation or flooding?
As infrequently as possible. Peroxide is very irritating to the sinus membranes. I used it about 30 times during the first seven months that I tried using peroxide to cure my sinus infection problems.
I posted a log, showing my activity with the flooding, on my Upside Down Sinus Flooding Homepage. If you get a chance, read it. It will give some idea of how often that I did a flooding.
I've been doing irrigation every day as I'm going through a particularly bad period with my sinuses.
If you are suffering from allergies, the peroxide will just make you feel worse. You would need to find the foods, chemicals, substances, etc., that are making your sinus problems worse than normal. I only use Sinus Floodings, with peroxide, to treat or try to avoid a sinus infection problem.
Yesterday I added 2 tsp of peroxide to 8 oz of my usual salt/baking soda mixture. Burned like hell, but I want to use it at least some of the time.
Sorry that it made you feel worse. It reminds me of the first time that I tried it. I used much too much peroxide and it closed up my sinuses completely and painfully for three days. I was not only in increased sinus misery, I was also depressed. But..... after three days, my sinuses felt better than in a long time. After that, I cut way back on the amount of peroxide.
A key for when I stopped doing infrequent sinus floodings was when I stopped getting blood with the discharge. Absence of blood indicated, to me, the absence of injured nasal membranes.
I did try the flooding technique and it worked fine. I always had my doubts about the regular upright irrigation method and whether it indeed gets adequate coverage across the sinuses.
Well..... it depends upon what you mean by "coverage across the sinuses". Flooding has the greatest potential to get in, and around the Turbinates, and throughout the nasal passages, and possibly into the Frontal or Ethmoid Sinuses, but it is very difficult to effect the Maxillary Sinuses (under the cheek bones). Maxillary Sinus problems are the most difficult to treat.
I plan to use the flooding periodically to help ensure better coverage. Maybe even once a day for a short while. What is your opinion about this?
I am not a health professional, merely someone who found a way to rid himself of chronic, decades long, multiple annual sinus infections. I can only really say what helped me, and what I have learned about sinus floodings with peroxide. You might want to re-read the documentation and read the log that I posted, to give you some ideas about how you want to treat your sinus problems.
Pay special attention to the warnings concerning Eustachian Tubes and Middle Ears, which could suffer problems from flooded nasal areas.
I hope that the sinus flooding technique, with or without peroxide, really helps you a lot. I know sinus misery and would not wish it on anyone.
Regards, best of luck and health to you!
Documentation and log at: