Hi Roooth,in your original question you mention that if people fast, eat right, exercise etc... But the fact is that today our hurried, stressful, and less physically demanding lifestyle is precisely the reason why so many people find themselves in need of assistance to maintain a clean colon.
I personally believe that oral colon cleansers (cleansing from above), as well as
colonics and enemas (cleansing from below) each have a role in maintaining personal health. My personal preference, and my career as a colon hydrotherapist, emphasizes cleansing from below, and I also take enemas myself when needed.
My family on my mother's side has a history of constipation problems going back for generations, something I've learned is not that uncommon, and since I was a child I was no exception. I am convinced that there is a genetic component to idiopathic constipation, and many in the health field agree with this. Idiopathic (also known commonly as lazy bowel) means that there is know no underlying reason for the weak peristalsis, nor is it the result of disease.
So along with lifestyle issues, genes also appear to play a role in the need for colon cleansing.
I learned at an early age that the enema bag wasn't something to be feared, rather it led to relief, and that's still the way I look at it today. I believe that enemas and
colonics can each play an important role in maintaining and enhancing personal health and well being.
When using the term colonics, I include those administered professionally, as well as with a
colonic board at home. One of my aunts has one that she uses for her entire family and they are a picture of a healthy and vibrant lifestyle.
I hope you found this helpful, Valerie