Hi Archus,
did you see my posts about knee pain? I am sorry you are having this.
I started having knee pain (one knee only) around the first week of march.
I noticed it while doing yoga and not being able to lower my bent knee
to the floor, as I was seated (badhakonasana, if you know the pose name)
with back straight, and soles of feet touching, and it stretches out
the adductor muscle and if you're limber you can get the knees to the
floor. On my left it just wasn't happening--the knee was much higher
than the right. Then I noticed the knee hurt and was swollen. And
then I noticed that the knee got really swollen after a session at the
gym with EFX machine and stairmaster. So...went to the doctor finally
after waiting some 3 weeks and the orthopedist drained my knee with
a needle and am waiting on the results from the lab. Xray showed no
damage to joint. Your kidneys MAY be backing up and depositing
toxins (heavy metals? I'm not sure) in your knees. The other thing I'm
experiencing is my left thumb catches, first thing in the morning when
I wake up or in the middle of the night, if I have to get up to pee
(which is often, now that I'm drinking a lot of H2O plus eating lots
of asparagus, which I always do this time of year, it's one of my
faves). That is a diuretic. It's the first joint, down from the
thumbnail. It is the oddest thing. In my case, I feel my kidneys may
not be properly filtering and my bladder not working right either. My knee
hurts the most after I've been sleeping or sitting at my chair, either
at work or on the computer at home, for more than 5 or 10 minutes. It's
a killer if I have to sit on a plane for hours and hours. I hope you can
get some relief soon!