Instead of colonics, you can do enemas which are free. Also fasting with just water can help mental issues and just about everything. Your parasites will starve to death. You could try eating more raw foods especially fruit.
Also Whole Foods sells the kumbucha bacteria tea and it is very healty for a lot of things. Also everyone needs flaxseeds for omega-3 and the milled flaxseed are very cheap. I wish you the best. This site on FASTING has quotes from 17 MDs. The greens drinks powders are also very healthy.
This is why I like fasting. Patricia Bragg who makes Bragg's raw apple cider vinegar, says that she fasts one day a week and 3 days at the beginning of each month. That is fasting for 1 week a month. That would cut the food bill by 25%. Back in biblical times people fasted a lot. That is why the bible has 74 references to it. I am sure it helped with them not having an abundance of food.
As far as foods being your medicine, I took some information from a U.S.D.A. database website and showed what common foods are good for many different health problems like strokes, high blood pressure, insomnia, obesity and many others on the webpage Natural Cures.