Hey Gifted,
Glad to hear you were able to get pass the pizza cravings last night, I had cravings of my own on day 7, maybe it had something to do with the day :-), as for me, it was Micky D's. I guess what saved me, was the fact that it was day 7, I kept thinking, no way after not eating for 7 days, I could go and eat a hamburger without probably ending up sick as a dog, that little thought kept me in check. I read somewhere, that cravings are suppose to be part of the detox, that whatever you're craving at the time, is what your body is trying to detox, I don't know if it's true, but before the
Master-Cleanse I did eat a lot of fast food. How is day 8 going? I saw your other post, how long will you be at the hotel? if it's just for a day, then you could make your lemonade in advance, just don't add the cayenne pepper until you're ready to drink,one glass at a time, if it's longer then a day, then you made have to take your supplies with you. I have a very small compact little juicer, that would easily fit in a suitcase. Also you could pickup a small manual juicer, it's about the size of two large tablespoons, you might have to get your lemons and water there. I hope this helps and enjoy your trip.