Thank you Ash! What you said makes perfect sense. I'm hopeful that the 'move' is job related rather than location. I currently have two jobs, one of which is 'just a job', the other is one in a new natural healing center that i LOVE being at - it's much more than a job! since it's new, the money hasn't been enough to quit the other one, and hopefully soon it will improve and let me be there full time, and get rid of the other one! :) it's definitely where my heart is at - and so it feels like 'home' to me.
also,,,, a funny thing happened last night. a friend who is very intuitive called and told me that 'her people' (what she calls her guides) told her to tell me that i'm definitely going in the right direction with my dreams! before the call, she didn't even know WHY they told her to tell me that! what wonderful confirmation! :)
thanks so much for your time!