Molly-molly, mo-molly, banana-fanna-fo-folly, me-mi-moe-molly, MOLLY!
Well, I expect that I'm going to level out, at some point. But, I cannot help but be amazed that, for me, it was almost instant. In fact, I am almost embarassed to say this, but I got way lightheaded after my first pull. Second one, much less, and today, none, at all. Just knowing that there IS something else out there other than more meds and more docs is enough to buoy my well-being! And, being able to knock out a dinner set at the wheel in one day is beyond impressive, to me - it's a downright miracle.
As I've said, I mentioned this to my ceramic buds and they all said that they could tell that I was "...really hurting..." in December and that they can visibly see a difference in my movements, vocal inflections, etc. And, if studies showed that chewing on week-old kitty poo was a cure for the roooomatizm, I'd do that, TOO!
Speaking of cat poo, do you have any idea why my very old neutered boykhat has to sleep with his nose stuck in my nose-hole? Jeeps, criminy.........
I am in complete agreement with you with regard to how doctors and dentists practice. If people just stopped being sick, then the doctors would have to do something else, right? And, we KNOW that setting appointments at 5-minute intervals allows no time for the "healer" to know his/her patient. I can hear the office Gatekeeper, now, "Will bovine numer seventy-seven please bring up their insurance card?"
As for the drug companies running the FDA? Are you kidding me?!?!?! I recently watched the first half of a documentary called, "The Future of Food," and it scared the billybejeezus out of me. People are getting sick from e-Coli in raw greens BECAUSE the seeds have been genetically engineered to withstand "Roundup" spray. Guess where they got the DNA material from to create these monstrosities? Did you guess that it was e-Coli? Well, you're right! I recommend this DVD to everyone that is interested in their personal health!!!! And.....the FDA approved Viagra in record time (30 days, I believe). Viagra has nothing to do with sexuality or a healthy sex-drive and everything to do with circulation. Why, men are dropping dead using this stuff, and it hasn't been pulled from the markets, yet?
I'm all about alternatives, now. I was always interested in them prior to finding this godsend of a site, but with so many people supporting each other and sharing every type of idea imaginable, I'm so into healing myself that I can't hardly keep my mouth shut during simple conversations! LMAOLMAOLMAO!!!!!!!
<<<<<swish, swish, swish>>>>>