Hi Caroline. I have a severe case of MCS (chemically injured)which has also taken me down the path of autoimmune disease. I'm crawling back an
inch at a time. I have cheated death a few times throughout this journey and continue learning more and more in the process. I may even write a book about my experience at some point because it is as fascinating as it is eye opening and can not be captured in a few pages on a web site.
But...one must heal first.
What's your diet like? I know several people who have beat mestatic cancers with......(are you ready for this)....macrobiotics. In fact a, now close friend and neighbor beat a death sentence and has gone on to live another 12 healthy years so far and still counting. He says he is healthier now than before he became sick. It seems that people need different diets at different times. One thing for sure though and that is dairy, sugar, and white flour products feed cancer.
I'll give you a sad example.
I know several doctor's who will often refer a patient to me if they feel the patient is receptive to alternative healing options. In one such case, I talked with a lady for a short period of time and asked the usual questions.
When, how, where, why, etc. but I keyed in on the fact that she had mold growing in her basement and it was a short time after she moved into their bed and breakfast that she began to feel ill. From there she slid into a cancerous state. Much research in the past had shown me a corelation of ovarian cancer with high mold exposures. This seemed to be the link. Anyway, I brainstormed with her and together we decided on an alternative path, which; dietary wise, included macrobiotics. At this point she was so weak she was in a wheel chair and not very coherent. I told her that if I was in her shoes, I would leave the moldy environment as well. She left and went to the Kushi institute to learn about macrobiotics. Her husband went too to learn as well as offer her well needed support. Whithin a few short weeks of eating macrobiotically (attuned specifically for her by a macro councelour, she rallied big time. She came back home and was walking again. Not just walking but driving and shopping with lots of energy left over.
She was staying at a different place away from the moldy environment. this was now a couple months later and she was doing fine. No pain and the doctors of course couldn't believe it. The cancer was shrinking back and other biomarkers had improved significantly.
Here's the lesson.
She got home sick for her bed and breakfast and thought it wouldn't hurt to go back, especially since Christmas was right around the corner. On top of this, during the Christmas festivities she ate the sweets, the cakes, the dressing, etc. and within a few short days her health plummeted.
This time to a new low and within a short period after that I got the call, she had passed away.
When I had heard that she came off her strict healing diet and returned to a toxic environment it was no suprise to me, just very sad.
My successful friend who is still healthy 12 years later lives life fully but also respects his new found knowledge.
If you'd like, I would be more than happy to brain storm with you.
Then we can both learn something about ourselves and each other.
The thing that impresses me about you is your a fighter and a seeker and with a little discipline and a lot of love, not only will you beat this, but you'll be healthier than you ever were before.
Your different. You have taken your power back and you are steering your own ship. That makes you very unique indeed.
Lets brainstorm in search of a rainbow. Whenever your ready, I am too.