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If it was me...
Lapis Views: 4,706
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 79,204

If it was me...

...I would start by juicing organic vegetables. Flood your body with nutrients while at the same time rest the digestive system. Eliminate all poor eating habits from dairy, sugar, wheat and meat. I would especially juice a ton of cabbage, wheat grass, carrots, brocolli. Juice, juice and more juice. 8 to 12 glasses a day. (go easy on the wheat grass)

For electro therapy I would zap with a zapper capable of concentrating on a lower frequency for maximum gut tissue penetration. But for my main electo therapy treatment I would use a magnetic pulser. Several of my freinds have stopped cancer in its tracks with this unit. I would also use a Beck electrification unit.

For oxygenation I would use a water ozonator and drink 4 to 8 ounces of freshly ozonated pure water daily. I would also slowly titrate up hydrogen peroxide orally. Starting at 1 drop of food grade H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) in 8 ounces of pure water daily, adding another drop every couple days.

To ease my elimination organs I would have enemas daily and colonics 2 times a week. I would also consider a Far Infrared Sauna to help eliminate more toxins through the skin(from the lymph). I would recieve lymph massage every couple of days by a qualified specialist. I would also skin brush 3 times or more a day. Gently rebounding on a decent rebounder will also help pump toxins through your lymph more rapidly. I would also utilize hot and cold shower treatments to stimulate the nervous system and help open up micro circulation.

When a person breaks down cancer cells, they become very toxic.
Colonics and enemas help with this problem.

I woud also consider cottage cheese and flax oil as part of the regime.

Another very important aspect to this is laughter. Whether it's watching funny movies or listening to comedians...whatever gets you going... I would do it. This is very healing.

Then last but not least, a critical ally in healing is subconscious conditioning whether in the form of Neuro Linguistic Programming or Self Hypnosis. Its helps immensly if your subconscious is getting the right messages so it can in turn, send the right messages to your body.

You may also want to bounce some ideas off of Richard Shulze in his forum.

More information could be given depending on the type of cancer and what lifestyle led up to the illness. (specific toxicity)


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