I am heartbroken whenever I see people using something that doesn't have a ghost of a chance of helping them.
Zapping will not do anything for endometrial (or any other kind of) growths in your reproductive system.
You need to find out from a (shudder) regular doctor and medical lab what you have (they are usually OK at doing that) and then refer to the alternative medical literature to find out what to do about it.
Endometriosis is caused by hormone disruption. It has reached epidemic proportions because one of the hormone disruptors that causes it, called dioxin, comes from incinerators (we have almost 100 monster size ones in the US), and the dioxin then deposits on the food eaten by cows and other animals that we then eat.
The way to alleviate endometriosis is to eat a low-dioxin diet - low on the food chain (no meat, no milk, vegan, high-soy-protein diet).
If you discover you have CANCER, then you need to use one of the two proven, scientifically and clinically verified anti-cancer regimens - Rath or Riordan. Rath's research is described at his website at
Riordan's therapy - high-dose intravenous vitamin C - is only done at his clinic:
If you have any questions, please contact me through my website, listed below. (Ignore the "quick email consulting" page, for which I charge for my time for research. Go to the Contact Jonathan Campbell link). I don't like to put my email address on public forums because I then get spam. I had to give up an email address because I was getting 100 junk messages per day!
Jonathan Campbell
Alternative Health Consultant