From what I've read, it seems that calcium(and ALL mineral) absorbtion is linked with metabolism of EFA's. This is from "Empty Harvest" by Dr.
Bernard Jensen & Mark Anderson:
"The problem here is, we've torn holes in our own ozone layer- a good symbol of our current conciousness. One of the things to keep in mind is that to keep the flesh from being totally susceptible to the effects of ultraviolet radiation, the skin needs to be strong and hard. Skin is our body's most outer defense.
People have so little strength in their skin because of their vitamin, fatty acid & mineral deficiencies- which go all the way back to the soil...There are so few trace elements in the demineralized soil, the skin of the Earth, that likewise the skin of the people who live upon it is made even more susceptible to the effect of ultraviolet light...
...the vitamin that controlled calcium absorbtion into the blood had a natural antagonist, unofficially called vitamin "F". What vitamin do we get from the sun? Vitamin D. It is important to understand the relationship between vitamins and minerals because they are entirely different substances....Minerals obey one primary physical law: gravity..Vitamins help control the flow of minerals through the body. Vitamins help control the metabolism & utilization of minerals.
Calcium cannot get through the gut and into the bloodstream without vitamin D."
"What makes vitamin D potentially toxic is that it is capable of elevating the blood calcium level so high that blood viscosity becomes dangerously high, laden with heavy calcium molecules. The bone-building mineral, calciuum, in excessive amounts, can thicken the blood and reduce capillary circulation. The reason calcium is in the blood, as with most nutrients, is for transportation...
Vitamin "F", which we now know consists of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids(linoleic, linolenic & arachidonic acid) ionizes the calcium to transport it OUT of the blood and INTO the tissue.
When the vitamin "F" complex is in the blood, it ionizes and polarizes the calcium molecules, then the calcium flows out of the blood into the tissue. Vitamin D deionizes calcium; Vitamin "F" ionizes it. This results in decreased blood calcium & increased tissue calcium.
Most people have limited amounts of ionizable calcium in the body because they depend on pasteurized dairy foods for their calcium. Then, when they take a vitamin D supplement, their blood calcium levels begin to build up. But the calcium has no means to be drawn into the skin. The skin, very deficient in calcium, has lost it's hardest mineral protection against the sun.
Calcium isn't just for the bones; calcium adds to every tissue exactly what it adds to the bone; strength and structure. Calcium adds strength and structure to every cell in the body, particularly the skin, which is the largest organ of the human body. The skin is a big user of calcium. Thus, if you're eating margarine; if you're eating oleo products, hydrogenated oil products; if you're cooking the life out of your oils; you're not getting the vitamin "F" factors. Then, even if you have calcium, you're not going to put it into the skin to protect the skin against solar radiation."
Please note that I've put vitamin "F" in quotations. That is because that is what it was called before they discovered what vitamin "F" actually IS, which is..."we now know consists of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids(linoleic, linolenic & arachidonic acid)." I'm clarifying that because I previosly posted this elsewhere and there was some confusion as to vitamin "F".
Here's more, from Udo Erasmus'"Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill":
"Calcium metabolism is closely linked to EFA metabolism. This makes calcium problems at least a first cousin to diseases of fatty degeneration. Fatty acids are ALSO involved with the metabolism of other minerals..."
So, it seems that you can take all the supplements in the world, but unless you are getting enough EFA's, your body will not be able to utilize them. I do agree with Trapper that food is the best source, but in these times of demineralized food, that can be difficult...:)
Personally, I like the Moreless drink...and now I make sure to get my EFA's as well. :)