Dear 55594,
I am relatively new to the raw foods diet, with many different eating habits under my belt...raised strictly meat and potatoes, very picky. Vegetarian 11 years as Seventh-day Adventist (and dabbled macrobiotic), then morphed into meats/Atkins for several years. Felt worse as time elapsed.
Raw vegan eating is strict. It is at times challenging for many reasons, not the least being our "addiction" to cooked foods....habits we have learned etc...the social aspects of eating, celebrations and whatnot. Trying to discover the "best" diet for ourselves is a process...and I don't believe there is a "right" or "wrong" to it, except whether you feel it is that way. Illness is interesting, and I am discovering there is more philosophy to medicine than I ever imagined. But there is a load of
Science out there as well. For example, if you have a history of any trouble with the herpes virus, be aware that nuts and seeds are high in arginine and low in lysine, an amino acid essential for preventing outbreaks and viral replication. No raw vegan book I have read (and I have read many) details these facts in any way. (and avoiding overdosing on nuts should help...most fruits, greens and veggies are very "balanced" in amino acids)
My own personal journey to raw eating began with Carol Alt's book, which is advocating raw meats. I am no longer interested in eating meat at all, and Victoria Boutenko's information has been the most helpful to me. I agree that greens are probably the "gold standard" nutritionally, though I must say I don't crave them. At times my dehydrator tantalizes my family and friends with lovely aroma! My husband's chicken soup still smells great to me, but I reason with myself. The cravings for sweets are gone. My periods no longer linger for 2 weeks plus. My skin is clear, hair has shine, and I have lost a load of weight. (almost 40 pounds, including the 8
pounds by Atkins) I sleep EXCELLENT! No more middle of the night insomnia. I feel good about myself. Sometimes I am sentimental about how deprived I am of enjoying our family parties with cake, ice cream, etc....then I remember how crappy I would feel eating and then unable to function, bloat, depression, moody, yuck! So....raw foods eating remains a joyful choice I make every's the most life affirming thing I have done in a while. So much to many new foods to try. I had no idea mango was the mother of all sensuality!! So carry on, my dear friend, and be kind to yourself. I wish you great joy on YOUR wonderful journey!!