What to eat...what not to? That is the question. And the answer is as varied as the snowflakes that fall in a blizzard. Over the past 10 years, I have been reading book after book, doing search after search on the net to find out what I should eat.
Just take meat, for instance...I am told by raw foodists to eat it raw, by Dr. Clark to never eat it raw because of parasites...to eat plenty of it (eat right for your blood type (type O pos)) and finally, not to eat it at all by vegans. So...what to do?
Then we have the honey issue. Read one book and find that it is the best sweetner, bar none. Read a webpage and a Dr. tells you it is predigested and barely better than refined sugar.
And don't even get me started on the whole vinegar debate.
Grains?? To eat or not to eat, that is the question. The answer is...yes if whole grain...yes if you have the right blood type... and never... ever, they are bad, bad, bad. OK, which is it????? I would dearly like to know. Now I hear bread can cause cancer. Well what in hell doesn't?? From what I can see, most everything can.
Macrobioticists say eat NO raw food, all should be cooked and even water should be warmed. Raw foodists say eat no cooked food. OK...
(eyebrows raised)
I have relatives who have smoked, drank and eaten diets largely composed of junk food who died at advanced ages. I know people who are vegetarians who look as though they have been dead for weeks (dark circles under the eyes; pale, bluish, pasty skin that is dry and flaking and breath so garlic laden that your eyes water from 10 feet away. And if garlic were so good for me then why does it make my stomach ache and burn so badly.
We are told that coffee with caffeine is BAD and yet, when I go to any health food store, I see jar after jar of exotically blended coffee (most with caffeine). What gives? Oh, and the selection of grains that I shouldn't eat is incredible. Or should I?? I have no idea anymore.
A trip to the grocery store is an exercise in insanity. Shelf after shelf of processed food with the RDA label (which has been scaled down to tell me exactly nothing about the content of the package). Hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup abound.
Eat lots of fruit in the morning and don't forget to combine your food properly...OK, OK I will try it. Now to find organic fruit. Oh, goody my supermaket carries SOME organic foods. Let's see what I will be eating for breakfast for the rest of my life. HMM...Limes and red delicious apples. Every day and hey, once in awhile maybe an orange or a lemon. That should be fun for the rest of my life. Of course, in the summer I can eat strawberries and...wait...no, the blood type thing says no strawberries...hey...it says no fruit that can be grown locally at all. Back to the limes and apples. ARGH
NEVER eat between meals...graze all the time...eat a big breakfast...eat only micromeals...
Fasting is great...never fast it causes your blood
Sugar to be off and can damage metabolism. Well, which is it? My head is spinning...I feel intoxicated...but that can't be...I don't drink alcohol...it is bad for me...well...except red wine...or...is it?
Carbohydrates are the food of the devil and yet the best things you can eat, especially if they are complex...but that comes back to the grain thing again...oops, a conundrum.
Is banging your head on a wall bad for you? Because I have a feeling I will be doing that really soon if I keep thinking about this.
Which way to turn, I am so confused.
I guess I will go the the beyondveg site and get one more opinion, because God knows I need MORE input...............