Civilization/culture and biological evolution are different concepts and should not be confused. The concept of culture/civilization is open to wide interpretation. You used the Inca as and example. From the perspective of the Spaniards this was a sub human civilization without a concept of Christianity, or all the other things wihich they valued. The Greeks called all non-Greeks barbarians, other terms like Gaijin, Gwilo, Gringo, Kike, Spic, Infidel, all point out that from and internal perspective societies always think they are better than everyone else.
Not only do societies go to the trouble of demeaning others, they also feel a need to exault themselves, by terms like Chosen People, The People, Children of God ... ect.
Neither of these factors have to do with biological evolution, and should not be confused as such.
But these dominant traits of greed, aggression, deceit, ruthlessness, etc. are being reinforced and concentrated in the gene pool just as we need the opposite traits of humanitarianism, empathy and selflessness as our only possible line of defense from our own overwhelming power to annihilate our species literally from one minute to the next.
But from the viewpoint of "survival of the fittest", humanitarianism, empathy and selflessness are muddying the gene pool. By reaching out to those who are less able, we are encouraging the perpetuation of genes that are less fit. (Just to be clear, I am not discouraging those traits, by any means. They indicate spiritual evolution, which is much more important ultimately.)
Of course civilization and evolution are different concepts but in terms of human evolution, one directs the other.
Wrong. Evolution and civilization are completely different and have nothing in common. Humans have created thousands of different civilizations, in many ways it is a function of variables like religion and its practices, economy, geography, climates, available resources. But in no way do these factors affect evolution. What you are suggesting is something aking to Lamarckism. You can't will yourself or act yourself to evolution.
Evolution is a biological process, civilization is a conceptual one.
You can repeat it, but it would still be false. Behavior does not direct evolution, it may not fit into your social theory but those are just the facts.
Intelligence, technology and other accutrements of civilization are not genetically linked, rather they are a by product of the geographic capacitie of the inhabited enviroment. ie. where you live. It is a function or climate, water access, soil quality, metal and mineral access
No particular group has the market on creativity, intelligence or temperament, going to war, or slaying your enemies will not change your genes, even if you do it for 10 generations. Wars are also not won because of an inherent genetic superiority of a particular group, rather luck, tactics, weapons, terrain, element of surprise and numbers all play a part in the achievment of victory. The winners also are not always necessarily more violent or barbaric, so again your idea falls apart.
War itself is a highly cooperative effort, both sides equally sure of the morality and rightness of their cause, and that they have the support of god. So if we are to follow your thinking we should be becoming a more cooperative, moral population. Of course, as I've stated in the beginning, behaviour does not drive evolution, so it is just a false notion.
Nice try. A good attempt at shifting from arguing the points to arguing (attacking) the person. Parlour tricks anyone?
You have neither been misquoted, mor misiniterpreted. Your ideas are just plain bad and wrong. They cannot be justified by any rational means and from a sciencetific pov. they are ludicrous. (not the singer).
Did anyone here state that intelligence was a product of the environment and not genetics? Or are you just trying to prove your mental superiority vis a vis the local roadkill? lol
Corinthian did... And I quote:
Intelligence, technology and other accutrements of civilization are not genetically linked, rather they are a by product of the geographic capacitie of the inhabited enviroment.
Emphasis added.