when I first became very sick with AF everyone told me to take
Sea Salt . However, I never craved it and did not keep it up as it never helped me. i did however take potassium because I was having terrible leg cramps and knew for some reason I needed it. It helped. I still have AF and don't have all the answers, but at that time I needed potassium. I was so sick and having such bad panic attacks, that I was having to use the bathroom constantly and it depleted my potassium reserves. I bought a potassium from Water
oz that helped me as it is very absorbable by the body. it's a liquid. I don't suggest eating bananas if you suffer from low blood
Sugar the way many of us with AF do(not sure if you do), but they are the worst fruit for hypoglycemia. I also have that and a few
food allergies , it is all combined. I did however replace all my salt shakers with
Sea Salt and now use it to flavor all my foods. I never use any other kind so that probably takes care of my salt requirements. I don't add it to my water though. Your body knows what it needs and if you take salt without craving it, most likely you don't need it. That is what my ND told me. I still have to take potassium once in awhile, i usually can tell if I am low because I get achy arms and wrists. Leslie