Hi Moonstar,
A liver cleanse would be very beneficial since the liver is involved in the processing of estrogen and a sluggish liver contributes to estrogen dominance. A
Colon Cleanse would also help to relieve additional congestion in the pelvic area, as well as any toxic condition, and is recommended prior to doing a liver cleanse. A
parasite cleanse is also recommended prior to a liver cleanse if
parasites are present...and they are in most people.
In addition to the cleanses, natural progesterone cream applied to the lower abdomen will assist with balancing hormones. ProGest is a very good one. The herb, vitex...also known as chasteberry... also helps to stimulate progesterone production and balance estrogen. Acupuncture and chinese herbs are also quite effective. You may also benefit from castor oil packs. I have endometrisosis and had fibroids (which were surgically removed) and these cleanses and remedies have helped greatly at managing estrogen dominance and controlling the endo.