I did basic flushes to start out with. No bowel prep, no kidney cleansing after 4 flushes, just the oil and grapefruit juice. I made a lot of trial and error mistakes at first because I had no idea what I was doing, I was just in such bad shape I had to do something. I have done 8 flushes total and have since found there are other ways to clean out the liver that don't involve flushing only. I also did a 2 day apple cider fast (drinking 8
oz warmed every 2 hours) that collapsed the stagnent bile in my liver and finally gave me the relief I was needing from liver pain. I got that idea from Julia Chang. I did however also develop a small yeast problem then and would now recommend the mailc acid and
Water Fast instead.
I learned from Shelley that I dont have to be so extreme in my healing methods and my body is recovering now. She has me taking 1 tbs of olive oil 3 xs daily with 1 tbs of lecithin, also 3 xs daily, at the same time (its an amazing stone/gunk disolver) and I'm doing bowel and lymph management(through her essential recipes and through excersize)which are outlined in her FAQ on her website and I do some kidney cleansing now too with her alternative cleansing drink. I see my healing as a whole now and not just the liver or galbladder.
For diet I follow mostly Shelley's Candida diet outline and use the recipes from her website (protien shakes, fat buster smoothies, Bielers broth, carrot/veggie juices, bean/rice/veggie stews, etc) but I know now that I can eat almost anything as long as I stick within the guidlines of nutritional eating and only have a small amount. I will say this.. cheese is NOT on my list of foods. I think too much cheese and hyrdogenated oils are what got me in to this mess. I also do not eat
White Sugar , white flour or ANY hydrogenated oils. I eat mostly cold pressed olive oils, wheat germ oil, cod liver oil, fruits, steamed veggies, beans, kefir, hot grain cereals and a little (lean) meat. I basically had to learn how to cook and eat all over again which was very hard, but WELL worth it.
As far as the estrogen dominance goes I have learned that the cleaner I get/keep my body the better that gets. I just have to follow Shelleys food rules (basically her Candida diet) and I dont have any problems with that.. infact when you said brain fog that sounded a bit like Candida to me and I thought you would benefit greatly from her guidelines for that. It could also just be that your minerals are off balance from the flushes. You may need some cellfood, EmergenC or calmag fizz for that. I recommend all as that is what cleared up mine after so many flushes.
You're right - Its a lot of reading and work which can seem overwhelming at first, but once you lay the foundation and do your reading its all second nature and easier than you think. I read on her site a minimum of 2 hours a day for 2 months when I first found it til I got it all down. I too had brain fog and once I started following her candida guidelines and rebalanced my body chemistry I got that under control. I dont think I have a yeast problem per say, but I was, like I said, very imbalanced from all the flushes when I first went to her for help. I just signed up on her forum, learned to be specific about my symptoms and communicated them to her and she helped me get through it step by step. Again, it is a lot of reading, but its WELL worth the time I spent!
I did do the chinese bitters and coptis but I found them too strong for me. My liver was so weak when I first started out that they hurt more than they helped so I stopped them. I still have some Chinese bitters, and I do take them now and then, but dont see a huge difference when I do. Truth is, I am bent on healing through nutrition and I dont want to be dependant on herbs or suppliments that are so costly. Thats what appealed to me about Shelley's plan.. it aims to get people off suppliments and on to natural healing. Not at first because you need some to heal, but as a long term goal her plan is nutritional. As far as weightloss goes, its been a natural byproduct of the fasting, flushes, cleansing and healing. I do get stuck every so often at a certain weight but then I do a broth and juice fast or cleanse again and the weight starts coming off again, and thankfully its staying off.
I hope that helps. The best I can say is there are no easy answers and healing is an individual thing (WHICH DEPENDS ON YOUR SYMPTOMS) but flushing is not the only way to cleanse the liver. There are mini flushes, stone disolvers and a herbs that you can use to regenerate the liver without having to flush so much, IMHO. The flushes made me feel very weak and depleated. They have a place but its not the only thing that can be done to heal. They did help, but I think there are other ways that are not so hard which will get you the same results after doing a few of them. Shelley helped me to see that. I just wish more people knew about and could visit her site and glean from her wisdom. I think they would see the benefits to her methods. If you sign up on her forum (which is free) she will give you advice to any specific problem you may be having. She gets paid only by donations. When you ask questions and tell her what you are experiencing she needs you to be as specific as possible so she can help you the best. Also she helps so many that her answers tend to be short, but she lists all the info you need on her sight. You just have to do the reading.
Good luck!