A couple things to try:
1) Take 1 tablespoon of pure, cold-pressed, organic flaxseed oil EVERYDAY. You can get it at healthfood stores in the refridgerated section. Only buy if it's refridgerated, otherwise it's not good. You can take 2 tablespoons/day in the beginning - 2-4 weeks. Just pour on salads, steamed veggies, rice, plain baked potatoes, ect. But don't heat it, flaxseed oil must be consumed raw.
2) Along with the flaxseed oil, take silica capsules (from spring horsetail) everyday. You can take 2-4 capsules, 2 in the morning, 2 at night, and then reduce to two capsules once you see improvement. Again, you can buy these at a healthfood store.
3) No sugar, no white flour or rice at all, no meat, no dairy. Eat things like lentils, chickpeas, brown rice/almond/a bit of organic soy milk (don't eat too much unfermented soy), fermented tofu (make sure it says fermented) and fruits/veggies, raw nuts, seeds and avocados (don't eat cooked nuts and seed, including peanuts, they're too hard for the gallbladder and liver to digest and can lead to the conjestion of those organs and thus acne) and whole grains like brown/wild rice, spelt, buckwheat, ect. The more whole and natural, the better.
4) MAKE SURE to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day. You need it to clean your body of toxins.
5) Use only a gentle cleanser on your face, one for sensitive skin. Don't use those
Acne cleansers you buy in drugstores, they'll only dry your skin out and make it redder.
6) Tell yourself you love and approve your yourself, exactly as you are right now, every single days, as many times as possible. You'll feel silly, but I have a huge feeling
Acne is often related to your perception of yourself. If you hate yourself, it'll show in your skin. If you love yourself, your skin will get better because you'll feel you deserve it. I've been trying this for a few weeks, and my skin has gotten better. So say it, over and over and over again.
I hope that helps, and good luck :) Keep posting, there's a great support community here.
Oh, and one last thing: DO NOT PICK AT YOUR FACE!!! I know it's so tempting, but it really, really does make it worse. Just don't touch your face at all, except when you're washing it. Hands carry so much bacteria on them - when you touch your face you spread the bacteria onto your face which = pimples. So absolutely NO picking. Let your skin heal on it's own, and be gentle with yourself. You deserve more patience than you're giving youself :)