Have you done ANY bowel cleansing? What about silver/amalgam fillings? Do you have any? They cause mercury to leak into your gut where it is converted into methyl-mercury, which causes TERRIBLE candida overgrowth.
Here's what I would do (and have done myself):
1. Check this article out:
I got my biggest breakthrough with
Acne after my 8th flush and my second colonic, they were almost simultaneous.
I cleared tons of mucous and old fecal matter with my colonics, and after that and my 8th flush where I removed some some intrahepatic stones the size of whole walnut shells, I improved dramatically. If I were you, I would add either
Oxypowder or Colosan. They both dissolve and help wash out old decaying, nasty, fecal matter that may have hardened. However, they don't take the place of a colonic. Enemas only cleanse the small bowel, and don't reach the large intestine, where
colonics do. I have a colema board now, so I can do an enema and use the colema board and get my entire bowel cleansed. The colema board is really awesome.
I would add l-glutamine and aloe vera juice to repair your intestinal tract. I overdosed on l-glutamine and aloe and it seemed to help a LOT. I took about 3-4 times the recommended does of l-glutamine and I drank probably 6-8
oz. of aloe vera juice everyday; I bought it by the gallon. Also, MSM is tremendously helpful. Be sure to buy the POWDER only, and make sure it says: OPTI msm on the label. Also, Primal Defense is AWESOME, but you may want to add Fungal Defense with Primal Defense to kill the bacteria and candida in your gut. That's also made by Garden of Life.
Be sure to be patient...and if you have setbacks, that's ok. I remember that I didn't know that I should do an enema after flushing, and I broke out terrible after either my 3rd or 4th flush. When I discovered how important a clean bowel is to keeping clear, now I realize that it's a MUST for me, that's why I got a colema board.
Before all this started, my body was completely breaking down; I literally had probably 20 cysts on my face. This was last September. Now I'm clear and not much breaks me out at all. But everything I ate broke me out, too, so I UNDERSTAND!
Keep your chin up and let me know if you have any other questions!