I had
Acne starting at age 11. At age 13, I was put on anitbiotics, and stayed on them until I flushed them down the toilet at age 24.
I was rotated from one
Antibiotic to another when the one I was currently on stopped working. Can we say: C-A-N-D-I-D-A?!
I ~THOUGHT~ that the terrible pain I had in my right hand....pain so bad I couldn't open a door....was "arthritis".
So I'm doing some research about a year ago and guess what I find out? I find out that when you have severe joint pain in hands or feet, it's a sign of extreme liver toxicity due to
Antibiotics abuse! Did my doctor ever tell me this?! NO! I was kept particularly on the tetracycline class of drugs for years and years and this was the type of drug that causes liver toxicity.
After I did a candida cleanse, I did get rid of the pain, and it has never returned.
I truly believe that some of these derms and doctors need to have class-action lawsuits filed against them.
I cannot believe how STUPID these doctors are. Keeping someone on
Antibiotics for 11 YEARS STRAIGHT!?