I have been doing Bikram yoga since January and it has been an incredible experience, physically, emotionally and spirtually. The great thing about it is the hot room and the releasing of toxins in your body through the copious sweating that is done.
When I started, I was going to a chiropractor about three times a month, sometimes four, for a lower back problem but since doing Bikram yoga over the last five months I've only gone to the chiropractor twice and my back pain has disappeared. Additionally, my flexibility has improved enormously.
Generally, you will find the critics of Bikram yoga to be those people who have never gone or have only gone once or twice. Take advantage of the one week unlimited package offered by your local facility and try to go everyday. You will be amazed at how quickly your body responds to the heat and the stretching.
The facility I go to in Victoria, British Columbia has the heat set at 110 degrees, which is pretty warm for those of us living in a cool west coast climate and a room that warm is not for everyone. The only way to find out is to try it. If you find that you like it, you'll be hooked. Which is a good thing!!!