I witnessed the end of the earth...then I started traveling back through time...I don't understand how you can witness events moving forward as you are traveling back in time but I did....I witnessed every organic event that occured in the future, the present, and to the beginning of the earth on the molecular level moving backward. This is the most difficult part of my NDE to explain.
I observed a round earth as trillions to the nth power of dark and light energy fields that collected in molecules. Every rock...tree...blade of grass...butterfly...person puts out an aura around them...Everything puts out an aura of varying shades of light or darkness in the material world. There are clumps of dense dark and light auras that impact everything around them like ripples moving out from a drop of water faling into in a pool. Some ideas, intention, and will cause waves to move across the whole earth and raise the light of the world; dark ideas, intentions, and will do the opposite and lower the light of the world and evertything around them. I sensed how dark and light ideas, intentions, and will affect everything around their aura and every aura in varying degrees. At the end of existence there is no darkness at all in the world..... For an age...the world is healthy and vibrant with light; before this...the earth is more light than dark... for these two ages the earth is 2/3 rds light and 1/3rd dark overall. I was not given dates and times...it is like a puzzle...it is about relationships....of light auras to dark auras...during the first two ages...darkness and light are in a tug of war to reach an equalibrium...but in the last age the light is the only recognizable energy that I observed...it is almost as if the voltage of the earth has been incrased to produce more light. In every age, each aura has a will of its own.
The most important learning I had from this experience is that our ideas, intentions, and will can raise the light of the world and cause a wave of love that will change the world. Our ideas, intentions, and will can lighten dark auras and having dark(selfish) ideas, will, and intentions can lower the light of everything around the the aura, causing dark or light ripples and waves that can reach to the end of the world.
I saw the world and atmosphere even as an organic whole. Everything impacted everything else. A sick tree affected everything around it and likewise a healthy plant affected everything around it. This part of my NDE is a spiritual observation of the physical world...but it is more about how clumps of healthy light auras and selfish clumps of dark auras affect one another.
I know it is hard for me to explain so I will let you discern the truth of what I am saying: plants, rocks, mountains, seas, rivers, lakes, clouds, trees, animals, and people and every material thing are all attached to each other in an organic whole.
I saw all of the future, present, and past but I only get occasional understandings of what these auras are doing. Sometimes I recognize the auras as events...but mostly I just sense these fields of varying degress of grey, light, ripples and waves of varying degrees of light and darkness. I told you this is hard to explain....If you can help me out here...I would love to know what you think....
Then....after I witnessed the end back to the beginning ...I returned to the present...I was in the atmosphere...I could see the Great Lakes above Michigan below me...
It so illustrates how much our ideas, intentions, and will are so important to eveyone and everything around us.... That took a lot out of me... We are all interconnected...Be the light that forms an idea, intention, and will that joins joins other auras of light that will ultimately causes a ripple effect that will spark a tidal wave of love that will raise the light of the world... : )
That is as much as I can do till next time....My journey back to my body was a marvel to me...I will let you know how the next final part of my trip back to my body proved to me that we have souls.