My wife and I have both been challenged with Chronic Systemic Candidiasis for years.
We have been taking ThreeLac together with Oxygen Elements for over 4 months now.(5 Packets per day first month, down to one-Per day at present). It has helped us.
As one reads up on Candidiasis [Through this forum] one comes to realize that powerful Probiotics [with anti fungal properties like ThreeLac], are only part way to addressing the problem.
My Wife and I, plan to get around to eradication/rebalancing the situation shortly. As we now know, thanks to the loving insights we have learned from this Forum, that;
We need to take a more comprehensive approach, i.e. Colon/Liver and Kidney Cleansing,+ Getting back to basics with the Diet.
Regarding Diet, we had been led into thinking (through ThreeLac’s promoters) that ThreeLac could more or less "Sort the problem out", alone, with very little modification to our Diet.(Even after explaining the extent of our problem CSC(Chronic Systemic Candidiasis),We were told ;"As far as diet is concerned ,just cut out refined Carbs i.e. Sugars". We realize now that this may be enough for those with mild candidiasis ...not US!!!! .Shame they were so arbitrary.)
However, to be fair to the product we have found ThreeLac to be the best starting point.
In fact, having tried another good Probiotic-Primal Defense, I have found ThreeLac to be more effective as first aid/"Stand alone" symptomatic treatment.
So with my limited experience, I recommend ThreeLac as "First Move" in the treatment/Management of this Problem, as ThreeLac starts to work on the problem right away ,alleviating symptoms, allowing one to; Gain Focus, in their own time, as they put the Whole Jigsaw(Regime) into place.
Also, keep in mind the cost of maintenance .i.e. limited lifetime use on recommended maintenance dose. Once the balance is restored.
Comparing ThreeLac v Primal Defense....
ThreeLac works out to be half the cost!!
eg:1xThreeLac per Day @$49 per 60 packet tin. Verses..
Three tabs per day of Primal Defense per Day..@ $40 per 90 Tablet container...
Kind Regards,