Masterbation is a completely natural act.
If we feel fear and guilt it is because of our upbringing.
Anything in excess can be dangeous. Yes you could damage your penis if you did it too much and too fast. It could cause damage to the membrains and tissue which are needed to absord the blood to have erections. You could "break it" if that is the best words.
The penis is a beautiful and sensitive organ. I needs tender care and loving attention both from your partner when you get one and from youself.
Slow gentle strokes can lead to the most incredible orgams. AND if you practise holding back the ejaclation you will esperience such fantastic multiple orgasms.
God gave you a penis with such fanastic sensitivity not just to pee out of but to enjoy.
If it feels good --- JUST DO IT.
Don't let it replace sexual intercourse though (let it me something you do as well as full inetrcourse) becasue when that is done with love and care IT TOO IS UNBELIEVABLY EXCITING and FULFILLING. AND emember, when you get a partner (male or female) they will enjoy you doing it to them as much as you will enjoy having it done to you.