Yes, I do believe that dream can be read on many levels.
As it was the 'Theme' of my coming year (I always have my Theme dream on November 3rd - one month before my birthday!) that Beluga Whale being (a seperate being from me? My Higher Self representative?) really guided me towards Curezone! It was because of the 'vacuuming out' that made me google search Cleanses...and I ended up here in November and that really has changed my life and made me focus on what I enjoy most (communicating, supporting and encouraging others on their own unique paths!).
So! There's that. Guidance.
I wish you could know all that went on because of that dream, actually! (maybe I can find a post here that I wrote about it - and the connection to Sirius and my 'family'...)
I really do felt like I met seperate Beings, really. The dolphin-beings were SO different! Just fun and joyful and laugh-y...and really light. The Beluga was amazing!! And I feel I met him again in a lucid dream that I had and his name was Green Angle Orgon (he had a big brow)...
It was funny when the Irish interpreter said that I would be a good medical intuitive - when my friends heard that, they all agreed and remembered me saying things about customers that would come into the restaurant 'she's getting sick' 'he shouldn't's very damaging to him' (whereas I don't believe that as a general blanket statement at all!) etc etc... But I haven't noticed it getting stronger. Funny, though, that I got into health after that dream...learned more about it...I spent most of my time on the Liver/Fasting/Bowel cleanse sites for the first 8 months or so - if you go back to Nov/Dec/Jan etc I'm on there every day answering millions of questions.
Hmmm...yeah, I got a strong feeling from you early on that some sort of 'communication' was trying to get through you. Like the Beacons channeling says - more and more people will be channeling and it may be more like...we're more in tune with our Higher Selves so....what we communicate is from our 'highest' selves kind of...
I discovered channeling late in life! I think in 2000. I picked up a Seth book (Seth Speaks) at a second hand store and couldn't put it down. I felt embarrased buying it even. But then I got it home and read it to my boyfriend while he took a bath each night. We both LOVED it!! I felt like it was what I was seeking all through University when I was taking Philosophy! (Philosophy at University was soooooooo dull, really. I realize now that I was wanting a spiritual/philosophical/mystical philosophy....where we really explored consciousness and humanness. NOT 'a is the Prime Mover and b is the causal...blah blah blah' yik! So here in Seth I found exactly the kind of philosophy I was looking for. It resonated with me deeply. It wasn't all gushy and mushy and lovey either. Consciousness WAS (I liked what the Beacons channeling said about that too - that we TRANSLATE Universal energy into Love. That's how we feel it here - but it's NOT 'love' - this sounds true to me)...and it all felt.
I love Seth. Yup, I really do.
The other channel book I like is 'Agartha - Journey to the Stars'. 'Mentor' is an excellent Being, too.
If you're interested, you might like those two. Who knows!
Okay...I've rambled on enough - time to clean up the place because I have 3 of my 'crop circle' friends coming over! Met them last December via the internet and when we all finally got together in person I realized that we all have Sagittarius Venus'!!! wow eh? Those are our values. Philosophical, adventursome, idealistic.....and we were all drawn to the phenomenon of crop circles, funnily enough! wow.
Okay...gotta run!
love T
My other dream....and Sirius...?