It could be, but not necessarily... how old are you? What has your diet and life style been like? Do you live in a fresh clean environment or in a heavily polluted city?
My point with this is that everyone is different.
I am 50 years old and suffered with chronic constipation most of my life. I first chose the total Colonix program and did it for three months. My only real cleanse prior to this was a 10 day Master Cleanse two years prior. At any rate, I did not feel completely cleaned out after Colonix and chose to do
Oxypowder about a month after finishing the Colonix. After the
Oxypowder I decided that my body favors the Oxygen cleansers over the fiber ones available. I had tried P&B shakes. The fiber causes me to bloat some… AND I was drinking a gallon and a half of water to get Colonix to work as advertised.
Oxypowder , for me, went to the next level and really cleaned out what Colonix apparently could not. I then chose to use Colosan for maintenance and have done two
Bowel Cleanses with Colosan. Note that all of this effort has been over a period of about nine months and that each successive effort has produced results.
I can tell you that I still feel like I have some old fecal matter hanging on, however am MUCH better off now. My first
colonic a month ago was fairly successful with release of still more older fecal matter, the CT stated once every month or two for additional
colonics should be a fine schedule for me… however I did not feel the
colonic through the whole colon; it seemed to stop about ¾ through my transverse colon, and I suspect I may still have a build up in there. The transverse area even feels a little harder than the rest of my colon when I trace it with a massage. In addition, after my first
coffee enema about week ago, I released a whole new level of sludge in the following two days. Where does this stuff come from?
I suspect after living for 50 years without ever really cleaning out my bodies filters; colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph, and skin, (ever forget to change the filters in your home or not change your cars oil/filters? And we live in this stuff too!) I probably have polluted every corner of every cell and it will take some time to get it all cleaned out.
Even doing the
parasite cleansing with the Colonix, I did not truly SEE any
parasites until this last month between my fifth and sixth
Liver Flush and then also during my sixth one. I had already accepted the idea that I was
parasite free and I was not.
I understand the cleaner you get that the
parasites begin to die\leave on their own. So maybe I am finally getting somewhere. At any rate, we must all tune into the needs of our own bodies and do what is right for them. It does take dedication, effort and patience. In addition, we must learn how to listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us through everyday aches, pains, breakouts, etc…