i've learned that what u felt is something like healing symptoms, when u have a good and
healthy Diet like that is very good, but do you know our body mechanism? have u read book like " fit for life " the first edition, its a very very good book, it will benefit you, if you read it. also have u heard about indinine and cryptomonadales ?
if its ok, is it possible to know where are u from? i'm from indonesia, when i go to singapore there's a company called wbg, and had a product called hunza. i've been consuming the food for almost 3 month, and what i've learned from the health consultant in singapore, if the body is given the right and balace nutrient and supply with alot of energy, the body can heal it self, well. i've use hunza product called fiber, and then when i first consuming it at the first day, i go to the toilet 5 times!!! but amazingly i don't feel tired. and then i start to believe the product, then i go for the indinine and the other product of hunza. amazingly i got cough for over 2 month didn't stop, but few days after i'm taking the food of hunza i cough all day at the first day, then the second day i throw out a big green black slime for the next 5 days, i feel very exhousted, also feel very sleepy and tired, then i ask all about this, and i found out that what happen to me is what it called healing symptoms.
the body need rest in order to fix it self, give a time and less meat or fish also, because any meat enter the bowel can only come out from the body 2-3 days later, so when the healing symptoms appear make sure drink alot of water and consume lots of fibre (organic vege dan fruits). hope this will help u, thanks