Hi Pinky :)
Glad you could make it here. :)
I don't have much time to cook so I use the processed foods, but I like making sure that I eat healthy. Thanks to my Kroger Store getting in a decent health food section, I spent $80 at the health food store and carreid home less bags. Boy was I disappointed. lol
So I think I will do a combo of both stores, in goods and prices.
Hmm not sure what to do about elimination but if you are eating solids now, perhaps more fiber? I know that I was told to eat more fiber because of my constipation form of IBS. So your green veggies like green beans and asparagus, wheat bread, wheat pasta instead of white, things like that. Plus adding the warm water to it. Maybe that might help you out after you use the oils. If not, give your insides a flush using teh
Sea Salt water flush. I wouldn't recommend the lax tea anymore because people's bodies can become dependant on them if taken for long periods of time. Also eat yogurt. Yogurt gives you your acidopholus which helps in replacing the good bacteria after we cleansed the bad out and rebalances us. I know that organic yogurt has acidopholus in it. I eat that versus taking the pills because the pills are too much for me. So now I am trying to rebalance myself out.
Thanks for coming around. :) Maybe we can all help each other out. :)