Hi there! I'll give it a go....
1. God is supposed to be all knowing and all powerful, correct? Correct. He ALREADY knows every decision you will make every mistake you will generate in your life. This also means that he knew that Lucifer would fall and corrupt mankind, he knew BEFORE he created Lucifer… In other words, if he is all-powerful and all knowing, HE SET US UP FOR ALL PAIN AND SUFFERING! No other conclusion makes sense. This person makes accurate statements, but he comes to the wrong conclusion. God did not "set us up for all pain and suffering." He created the need for redemption by a Savior, His plan for mankind from before time began..
2. The bible is supposed to be the incorruptible word of God, right? It is not in error at all or anything? The Bible itself says it is incorruptible and the pure Word of God. By faith, we Christians believe this is true. This will make no sense to a nonbeliever. If this is the case, why do the historical records clearly show this book being cobbled together at the Nicene conference? Because of this common argument by non-Christians, I just finished reading the historical texts you refer to- Seutonias' 12 Caesars, Eusibius' History of the Church, and Foxe's Book of Martyrs. It was literally voted on by people summoned by a Roman Caesar! This is what really happened at the Council of Nicea. After Jesus Christ was crucified and risen, there was great persecution of Christians all over the Roman Empire for nearly 300 years. With that came the destruction of many Christian and heretical texts. As Christianity grew despite the great persecution, so did many heretcal sects. When Roman Emperor Constantine came to power, he was a Christian in name, but he certainly did not show the spiritual fruits that one would expect of a true believer. He was still a Roman Emporer in practice. He was responsible for many of the "deformaties" we see in the ROMAN Catholic Church today (such as worshipping saints) but to his credit, he did end the persecution of Christians (who joined his church), and he did call for the Council of Nicea to construct the New Testament and build the foundation of the Christian church.
At the Council of Nicea, Eusibius tells us that Constantine ordered over a hundred "bishops" (in the Pauline definition of the word, not the Catholic office) to decide which of the preserved Biblical documents were "canon" (meaning divinely inspired texts) and which were considered heresy. The Council of Nicea lasted three years. There was not a random "cobbling together" of some old letters and books. The Old Testament was never questioned., because Jesus Christ quoted from it all the time, plus it contains all the prophecies and heraldry concerning His coming. The four gospels were never disputed, because they parallel each other even though the authors were so different from one another. The authors were eyewitnesses (except for Luke, who knew the eyewitnesses), and never once contradicted the Old Testament. The Book of Acts were never disputed, either. What is left are the letters, and a few of them were disputed texts, but accepted by the vast majority of the Council. The Book of Revelation was never disputed for its content, but only for its authorship.
The books and letters that were not chosen for the Bible (Thomas, Essene gospels, etc.) were considered heretical. How come it is so confusing The Bible itself says nonChristians cannot understand it and contradictory? The god of the Old Testament was a nearly insane beast, demanding war and blood tribute, where as the New Testament god is full of love and concern for others…The Old Testament shows God as a holy and righteous God who will not tolerate sin. The New Testament shows God's mercy, love, and goodness to those who believe on the Name of Jesus Christ. We have been made pure, righteous, and holy by the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross, thereafore we may be in the presence of the Most High God. We are commanded to show the same love God has for us to others, and the same righteous anger towards sin that God has.
3. If god is the one and only true god, why do Christians also acknowledge the Son, the holy ghost, the Arch angles and Lucifer as well as major Demons? (And in some cases Mary?) This pattern, of one main God creating the others is common to MANY old pantheons, so by definition, all of these features (like Jesus and Lucifer) count as not only gods, but as worshiped beings as well. Why try to change the meaning of things now? (It is generally a sign that you are in error, if you must make obvious changes in meaning like this.) God is a triune God- he has three pieces to the same being. We do not worship three different gods. God the Father is the Creator aspect, Jesus Christ the Son is God as a man, and the Holy Spirit is God as he dwells within the spirit of a believer. The angels, demons, Lucifer/Satan do exist. We acknowledge them because they are real, just as atoms are real, light is real.... They live in the spiritual realm, which we cannot see unless God reveals them to us. We do not worship them. If you meet someone who does worship angels, demons, Satan, Ancient Masters, spiritual beings, etc, they are not true Christians or are under deception. About Mary: She was Jesus's mother. The Roman Catholic Church has deified her. This is utter heresy.
I hope this will be of some benefit to you. I pray blessings on you as you seek Christ.