Hi guys. I've been so crazy trying to find a place to pose this question, so please take this to the heart when answering:
My fiance has had extremely horrible ongoing pain from a broken molar on the bottom near the front of his mouth. This has been going on for weeks. We are both young parents, and he is not insured, nor has he been to a dentist in ages. We've been searching around frantically to find someplace that will help us with his tooth, but we are between paychecks and everyone wants money "up front". Even the public dentistry wants their money up front, and while it is still cheaper than everywhere else, it was a $85-135 estimation for the fees when our next check won't be recieved until much later in the week. Even then, the rent went up and will consume all of the check we get! He has been getting drunk, as pain killers do not help him, and tonight when I hid his alchohol from him (he'd had way too much), he threatened to pull it out himself with pliers.
He is complaining of swelling and immense pain that is beginning to spread down his jaw.
In all sincerity, what would be the repurcussions if he actually suceeded in pulling it out himself, aside from pain, would it even help him at all? Is there a "safe" way to do this? IF he suceeds in doing it himself when I'm not around, is there anything you can tell me to be a little more prepared, or to help prevent a disaster? Waco is so ungiving and unkind, no-one ever wants to help us! Please tell me anything you can about the process and what I can do to make it better for him if he does attempt this.