I also had problems with my teeth years ago (plaque, tartar, etc.). Then i seriously started to take care of them, did tons of reading and experimenting with products. Whenever i finished brushing my gums would bleed, and i didn't even press hard. I'd also scrape the inside back teeth with my nail and get a lot of plaque on it. When the plaque hardens, it turns into tartar, and supposedly only dentists can remove tartar (that's what i've read and heard). I had tartar appearing along the gums, and a big piece between my upper left last two teeth. Then over a year ago i bought an electric toothbrush called ULTRASONEX. I saw it on the shopping channel, and the price was pretty low, so i got one. After a month of using it, the gums didn't bleed anymore like with the regular brush, and i haven't had gums bleeding ever since. The plaque also disappeared completely. And tartar started falling off my teeth! The huge chunk between my last two teeth fell off about 2 months after i got the brush. I also made the switch to all-natural cosmetics, and that included dental products (at the health-food store). The only toothpaste & mouthwash products i use now are made by a company called "JASON". They have fluoride & non-fluoride versions, i use the non-fluoride ones. The ingredients are all-natural. My fave toothpaste is HEALTHY-MOUTH, and fave mouthwash is SEA-FRESH, both taste incredible. I brush after breakfast, and after my last meal. After the meals between i use mouthwash. If i eat nuts or certain other foods, it tends to stick into certain spaces around the teeth, so i use a rubber-tip stimulator to remove the particles (or a tooth-pick) after i finish eating. I memorized by now where food tends to hide, lol. I floss once a day, after my last brushing. For flossing i use a BUTLER FLOSBRUSH. It's way better to use this instead of wrapping the floss around your fingers! I also changed my diet a long time ago, no more processed food (no cheating). Just natural whole foods (always). If you want to find out how diet affects your teeth, get a great book called NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL DEGENERATION by Weston A.Price. If i eat anything acidic (vinegar, lemon, pineapple, tomato, etc.) i don't let it stay in my mouth too long, and i rinse my mouth with water right after eating it. They say the acid eats through tooth enamel. It must be true, because it burned through my tongue, lol (when i eat pineapple & tomato too long). If i eat out, i'll bring my mouthwash along with me. I've become a dental fanatic, lol. As for whitening products, i don't even use them. I don't smoke or drink coffee, and avoid certain things that stain my teeth. So try to avoid the stains.