Sounds like herpes may be a possibility. The transmission of herpes isn't actually barred by the use of a condom-- although, it helps a lot. Many guys are carriers or asymptomatic of HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) and that's how they get us! They never really had a chance to know any better, lucky for them.
Anyway, sounds like a visit to the doctor may be in order. If you're seeing sores, you're probably in a decent amount of pain and I can relate. My first outbreak was 2 years ago and was the most vicious thing I've lived through to this day. Today I'm starting my 2nd major outbreak and I'm only slightly happier.
The only TRUE way to diagnose herpes (and therefore have access to medication) is via a visit to the doctor. They'll take a culture and do a test to see what it is. However, there are many false negatives when testing for HSV, but any positive results are pretty reliable. Once you know what it is for sure, you'll have access to medication like Valtrex and Fam.
I know you're worried about your parents, but if you refuse to go to your regular GYN, look into going to a clinic. You're gonna want to be treated.
If you're not, it'll still go away, but it may be tough to hide after a little while. It'll get worse before it gets better unless you're one of the lucky mild cases. (That just wasn't my deal.)
However, in the meantime, keep it clean, make sure not to touch it without washing your hands IMMEDIATELY afterwards, DO NOT touch other mucus membranes (mouth, etc.) and for all that is good in this world... do NOT NOT NOT come anywhere near your eyes with your hands until you're confident they're sanitized.