Dear Sirgerry,
You need to purge your body and mind of the
horrors that happened to you in your childhood. Just as our bodies store toxic
food debris in our liver and intestinal
tract, our minds store toxic memories in
the form of emotional tumors. Yours have been
inside you for 3 decades. It's time to flush
them out. In your place, here's what I would
1) Primal Screaming -- Fritz Perls introduced
this protocol to America in the 1960s, at
the Esalen Institute in California. But yogis
in India and Tibet have been teaching the
same technique for thousands of years. It may
sound odd when your first read it, but primal
screaming works.
First, a bit of background: One of the reasons
people love babies and tiny children is that
the little ones never repress any emotions.
When a baby gets mad, he cries his heart out.
And then, he FORGETS it. Babies live in the
moment, like enlightened sages, and have no
thoughts of the past or future. They have no
fears, no concepts, no aversions, and no foolish attachments. When they're happy, babies are totally joyful. And when they're
angry, all the anger is released.
Alas, society soon teaches our children to
repress emotions. Instead of screaming and
raising a fuss, they swallow that emotion,
and store it within themselves. And like
mucoid plaque, the toxic residue of dead
food, those negative repressed emotions,
in the form of tumors, can survive within
us all the days of our life.
Primal screaming is a way of releasing those
repressed emotions. Ideally, you should have
screamed and screamed when those terrors
were done to you in your childhood. Chances
are good that you didn't. The bad news is that it's those tumors that have caused you
so much pain and discomfort all your life.
The good news is that it's not too late to
release all that age-old horror. Here's how
I suggest you do it.
First, you should be alone when you do this.
If not, make sure the person you are with is
someone you love deeply, and who knows what
you are doing -- and is sympathetic to it.
Lie down on a a yoga mat or the rug, and put
a pillow under your head. Tell yourself
aloud that you are now going to CRY like you
never have in your life. And tell your body
and mind that you INTEND this intensive
crying to act as a catalyst that will RELEASE
the toxic emotional tumors in your psyche.
Then conjure up some of the terrors of your
childhood, and begin crying. Start softly
at first. But the whole point of this technique is to get to a point where you
are sobbing aloud, thrashing around on the
mat, and TOTALLY forgetful of the world around you.
Pound your fists on the floor. Let out long
and piercing screams. Cry at the top of your
voice. HOLD NOTHING BACK! What you want is
a totally cathartic session, which, when you
emerge from it 10 or 15 minutes later, will
leave you weak-kneed and shaking. The key is
get into the crying TOTALLY, the same way
a child does.
You'll know when the session is over. Lie
back and restore your breathing to normal.
Thank your body for following your instructions, and releasing all those toxic
memories. Ask your intuition, your Deep Inner Voice, to let you know if and when you should do another session of primal screaming. Chances are good that you'll want to do several more. You'll get better at it, as you
go along.
You should feel shaky-legged when you get up.
But you should also feel clean in a way that
you may never have known before. And if the
constant muscular tension is lessened or
abated, you'll know you're on the right track.
2) Physical Cleanses -- It's not common knowledge, but emotional tumors are commonly
stored in the liver as stones. So I strongly
suggest that you do at least one liver cleanse a month, for at least the next year.
You should also do colon and kidney cleanses.
They're not difficult and not expensive.
CZ is a very good place to educate yourself
about internal cleanses. I suggest the liver
cleanse recommended by
Andreas Moritz in
his wonderful book, The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush (
One quick anecdote: A good friend of mine
also had a horrific childhood, just as you
did. It was a rare day when he didn't mention
some atrocity that his parents did to him.
Last autumn, he did a series of liver cleanses
to heal himself of edema (severe swelling in one leg). During Cleanse #8, he passed some
liver stones , that had apparently
been inside him for 45 years. And when those
stones were flushed, so were the toxic memories of his childhood. He never thinks or
talks about the bad-old-days now. The tumors
are gone -- and so is the edema.
3) Forgiveness -- It's critically important
to your physical and emotional health that you
FORGIVE your parents for whatever happened!
The anger and rage that you feel towards them,
ONLY HURTS YOU. It doesn't hurt them.
You must tell yourself -- and mean it -- that
your parents were not evil. Whatever they did
to you, was initiated by their own deep pain.
Had they been more aware, they never would
have hurt you. I would create an affirmation
and say it as often as you need to. It might
sound like this:
"I completely forgive my parents for the
pain they caused me as a child. I know that
the anger and resentment I felt for so many
years, is being released by my crying sessions
and the internal cleanses. Some of those
emotional tumors have already been flushed
from my body and mind, and the rest will be
released in the very near future. I know that
my parents were in deep pain of their own
when they hurt me. I forgive them, forgive them, forgive them! And I forgive myself for
repressing those negative emotions, which
caused me so much pain over the years. I am
at peace with my parents, and I am at peace
with myself. I intend to be radiantly healthy,
and blissfully contented for the rest of my
long life."
That's not written in stone, but something like that, if you say it often and MEAN it,
will accelerate the healing process.
That's enough for tonight. Within the next
week, I plan to post one of my most important
messages on this same forum. It will be
titled, "Bury Your Problems -- Literally Bury
Them." I hope you'll read it, because much of
what I suggest in that post may also be of
use to you.
Good luck with your healing quest, Sirgerry!
If anything I said resonated with you, give
it a try. Let us know if you're successful.
I will keep you in my prayers.