I've been using chlorella daily for
more than 20 years, and I'm in
perfect health. Don't let people
frighten you away from it.
Chlorella is an algae, like spirulina. The best chlorella grows
in freshwater lakes like Klamath
Lake in Oregon. Lakes in the remote
islands of Japan are also top-notch
sources of pure chlorella, as well
as Chinese mountain lakes near the
border of Nepal.
I would not want to eat any chlorella that came from New York
Harbor or the Interstate Waterway.
But the very best superfood and
supplement makers use clean,
freshwater chlorella.
I take at least two superfoods that
contain chlorella every day of my
life. Pure Synergy uses chlorella
from Klamath Lake. Greens+ uses
Japanese Chlorella. Ron Teeguarden
of Dragon Herbs uses Chinese chlorella in his superb superfood,
Tonic Alchemy. And Dr. Jon Barron
has opted to put chlorella in his
brand-new superfood. Dr. Joseph
Mercola's chlorella capsules from
from lakes on the out-islands of
I also eat cilantro every day in
the form of cilantro pesto. I began
eating a spoonful each day, three
years ago when I had 8 amalgam
fillings removed. I have had NO
bad reactions from either the
cilantro or the chlorella. Indeed,
I'm sure that I'm much healthier
because of them.
Someday soon, I'm going to post a
lot of positive quotes about chlorella, from the above-mentioned
men, and others. Until then, If I
were you, I'd take Rokybird's
suggestions about the two chelation
protocols she describes. And as for
cilantro and chlorella, you will
have to trust your intuition. I'm
glad I did.
Good luck on your healing quest!