Good day all!
I posted this same message in the 'Flatulence' forum, but seeing that it's not that active there, I need to post the message here.
I have a bad flatulence problem. Mine is not so much a quantity thing, but that of extreme bad quality, the intense rotten egg smell.
I won't get all into the whole story, but basically I've done the whole P&B bowel cleanse/
parasite cleanse, with success; no more mucoid plaque, much easier, more complete bowel movements and such, but I have this bad gas problem.
I've been keeping a diet journal for the past 40 days, eliminating certain foods for a day or two (but I must confess, not really stick with it like I should because I give into my hunger/cravings). Stuff like that, big question is:
For example, say I've eliminated add them back in for my breakfast this morning, HOW LONG DO I NEED TO GIVE IT TO SEE IF I AM O.K. WITH EGGS (or whatever the food)?!!!!
I am not sure how long it takes a food to move through the system (for the most part, I know all foods and systems are different).
Say I wake up the next morning and all day the day before didn't have any gas, can I assume the eggs are o.k.?
This whole thing can be very difficult. From what I've read, malodorous (bad odor) flatulence can be from the malabsorption, therefore putrefication of, animal proteins, any sulphur containing foods, sugars (which actually would include carbs I suppose) and fats!!! So gee, what on earth do you eat?!!
What if it is a multiple of foods from different groups (just thinking aloud)...I guess it is really important to do a TRUE elimination diet..duh! I haven't really disciplined myself enough. Looks like the rice diet for like three days is the right approach and then only adding ONE type of food back for.....(again, I don't know how long to give it to see if it is a problem food....maybe I didn't give it long enough and the effect came about two days later.)...for whatever time.
I do notice if I have not been able to eat for a while throughout the day, I don't have much of the problem. An involuntary fasting.
Also to note, I never had this problem before while eating bad food such as microwave and fast food and snacks and sodas, but since the last five months of cleansing and eating better foods, foul smelling gas has been a problem (how frustrating, trying to be healthy and then getting this new problem!!).
If it wasn't for me being very underweight (for years) and having this very bad foul smelling gas (like one of those stink bombs in the glass vial being smashed LOL!...but really, it's not funny :) ), then I wouldn't suspect any ill health.
I am supposed to be getting some insurance soon, so hopefully I can get this stuff checked out.
I am sure obviously that my underweight thing is due to a malabsorption/malnutrition problem of not being able to digest fat or proteins or whatever, and also a cause of the flatulence problem. So I am thinking on having the following type tests conducted...small intestine biopsy (EGD) to check for possible damaged vili and maybe Celiac disease, 2 antibody tests (Endomysial and antitissue tran-something), stool sample-Sudan test for steatorrhea (fat in stool)...all to see if I have either Celiac disease, Crohns disease, pancreatic insufficiency, small intestine bacteria overgrowth, IBS, gastrophageal reflux disease, and on and on (RRRR, it could be so many different possibilities!!)...
Then of course, I wonder if maybe things are o.k. with the above and that it's not just a 'eating for your blood type' problem or a 'mixing of the wrong food types' problem.
O.k., I'm all worked up about it. I need to go.
Thanks everyone for your time.
Good day!