It could be die off. Die off affects us emotionally as well as physically.
Having said that, if you had brain fog with gluten, which has cleared when gluten has been removed from your diet, you might want to look at the possibility that you may have leaky gut. Are you an alcoholic? If so, there is a high possibility that you have leaky gut, as alcohol abuse is one of the primary causes. All tied in with candida and
parasites etc etc.
In the case that it might be leaky gut, the gluten free crackers/pasta might be the culprit to your anger. Many with leaky gut are grain intolerant, and obviously gluten free products contain grain, just gluten free ones. THe best way to find out is stop eating them, and see if your short fuse grows longer!
The fact that your brain fog has cleared, and you have more energy is a sign that your improved diet is working, and the candida is dying back. But I would check out this other issue, too.
Leaky gut is healed best after candida and
parasites have been removed, then you take L-glutamine and other stuff to heal the damage to the mucosal walls left behind.
Good luck and I'm happy for your improvement in health.