I realize you are getting lots of advice, but I understand how you feel. I felt I would go mad with cravings for sugar. It seemed to fill my head all the time.
I only got free of it by giving up all fruits, and all carbs, including spuds. I have veggies, organic meat, home made yoghurt, seeds (soaked), eggs, and salad. After reading ask.shelley (top of page), I eat lots of spicy foods (you can do a lot with chillies, and hot spices. I also eat quinoa once or twice a week in place of rice/past. Rice, millet, etc fed my candida and they just became something else for me to crave and be addicted to.
I hope you sort this out because I know how hard it is. But I think it depends upon how virulent the candida is. Mine is systemic.
I might also add that, since I have drawn back onto this more severe diet, I have also passed 'rice'
parasites in my stool. You might want to condiser that possibility. If you are on 'the diet' and still craving sugar/carbs/alcohol, you might need to look at parasites. There is lots of information on the
parasite forum.
One last suggestion - chromium. Are you taking any? A lack of it can cause
Sugar cravings.
Hope this helps.