I've been reading your posts and have been worried about you. I don't know what to tell you about the Nystatin prescription, except I had one and it didn't help me at all. I have been struggling with candida for the last 20+ years. My main problems are white tongue, skin rashes, depression, anxiety, aches and pains, sleep problems, and a puffy face (which is to the point of being disfiguring.) For years, I've heard overheard people say how ugly my face is. It's weird because sometimes the candida was under control a little better and then people would treat me much better. It's amazing how mean people can be. Anyway, I was at the store a week and one-half ago and this young woman looks at me and says to her friend, "God is that girl UGGGGLLLY!" I left the store and bawled in my car, with a new determination to finally get better. You know what? It's working. I'll tell you what I'm doing in case it helps you. Just so you know, I was already doing the antifungals, vitamins, and supplements before this happened, but now I've been really good on my diet and using Aerobic Oxygen-which seems to be making the difference.
1. -Caveman Diet-only organic meat, poultry, fish (though I don't always do organic because I still go out with my hubby and friends to restaurants)
Basically the diet consists of eating tons of vegetables, some nuts (low carb ones, roasted ahead of time in the oven to kill mold), seeds, and meat
A great book about this diet and with some recipes is Coping With Candida cookbook by Sally Rockwell.
2. 2 capsules of Acidopholus Bifudus on an empty stomach three times a day
3. Aerobic Oxygen (available on line from Good for You Canada) twenty drops three times per day but you have to slowly work up to it. The die off is extreme so you have to be careful-I'm drinking probably one and one-half gallons per day and still feel thirsty.
4. The basic vitamins (A, dry E, Evening Primrose, garlic, multi, Vit C, Etc.)
5. 2 Digestive enzymes with Pancreatin (and other things) after meals.
6. Rotating antifungals (4 days Oil of Oregano capsules, 3 times per day) (4 days of (4 days of SF 722, 5 capsules, 3 times per day) (4 days Grapefruit Seed Extract 2 capsules, 3 times per day) (4 days of Candibactin, 4 capsules, 3 times per day)
(You have to work up to the full dose of Candibactin, Oil of Oregano, and SF 722 by taking like 2 pills, 3 x per day the first rotation, then 3 pills, 3x per day the second rotation, etc.)
7. I'm doing a weekly colonic, but you could probably wait until you're candida is dead because they're expensive.
I am having a lot of die off since I started getting serious about this. I'm almost certain that it was the addition of Aerobic Oxygen that put me over the edge into healing. To deal with die off, this is what I do:
-Shelly's Detox Bath Recipe (available on this website)
Epsom Salt baths
-Going to gym just to sauna, staying in as long as I can stand, take shower, go back in, etc. 3 or 4 times
-Clay wrap (this is the weirdest thing I do, but the most effective). Take
Bentonite Clay-mix with 1 part hot water and 1 part Apple Cider vinegar. Get completely naked in shower and spread clay mixture all over your body, face, arms, legs, abdomen, back, etc. Let dry for as long as you can stand it (about 15 minutes for me) and rinse. This will help, I promise you, but it's messy.
-Peppermint tea-strong peppermint tea sipped throughout the day
-One and one-half gallons of water per day
I'm sorry this is so long, but I had an impulse this morning to share this with you when I woke up because it's helping me so much. No more "ugly face!"
Take care and people are thinking about you,