Hello, thanks for your response! The way I've been beating candida is by lots and lots and lots of grapefruit seed exctract. Be careful with this stuff, because it is very harsh when you first use it. I overdosed the first couple of times, then I stopped, but I have just a month ago started up very slowly again and it works awesome. The liquid form is best. Also, I have been reading Dr. Mercola's web site, and he swears by sauerkraut, so I've tried it the last couple of weeks, and it works great. It seems like this is controversial, but I make sure my sauerkraut has no vinegar in it whatsoever. That's my regimen as of now, and it seems to be working awesome. I feel so much better I can't even believe it, and my energy, skin, hair and youthful appearance have improved dramatically. I also make sure I take some sort of fiber to get things moving along smoothly. I think that's key. I just have to get this stuff out. Also, I don't eat any sugar. And it's funny, because I don't miss it really, because I know I'm way better off in the long run. Also, I exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week and I try to sit in the steam room a couple of times a week too. That's about it. I try to keep it simple. It seemed for a while the harder I tried, the worse it got. I tried threelac, oxygen, all that stuff, and it didn't work. It just plugged me up even more and made my conditions worse. Alright, sorry it's so long, but that's just what works for me. Feel free if you have any more questions and thanks for your input!