Exactly. I agree 100%. If any other poster I would have moved that useless video post to an other forum, but since trapper posted it, if I did that, he'd get all upset.
A lot of these internet doctors just add more confusion, so the honest person truly seeking some helpful advice, is overwhelmed with nonsense, and its impossible for a typical person to separate the chaff.
With the right tone in this forum, it could be made great again. If I had a hat, it would say MIFGA which is; "Make
Iodine Forum Great Again". For that, we'd need ti get rid of the swamp creature.
I don't know about Mr. Kruse. The best neurosurgeon I've seen is Russell Blaylock, he gets to the point on everything, is concise, well referenced. Watch one or two of his short videos, then compare it with the quality of the video that was posted above --- its like a night and day difference. Moreover, there is actually quite a bit of useful info about Hashimotos now known, why that video was selected as being what the people are waiting for, defies explanation. I do not know about Barefoot, I tried reading that forum and saw some weird postings that seemed more like
Science fiction than fact, some way out in left field. Its not a place I go to, same with Tijuana.
Stage IV is the biggest challenge but totally reversible without any doubt. We almost made it, except the person's worst enemy can be their own loved ones, the groupthink brianwashing from the usual official sources is powerful; merely being well-intentioned is not enough, one must understand the biochem involved to at least some degree. Also , going to forums on the internet aren't helpful b/c you get 10 different suggestions from people who don't know much of anything, and it adds to confusion. Otherwise it would be licked by now. And, if 1 out of those 10 people who recommend the correct thing, the person can't discern between the 1 good piece of advice and the other 9. So ppl on internet forums giving advice to cancer people, is something I shy from. Like, those promoting ozone. Its been used in Germany over 60 years, why haven't cancer rates gone down there ? Most of these internet posters don't know what the H they're talking about, they just post b/c at some level they make themselves feel important, and self-feed on that. Oh well, we defeated malignant pleural effusion, lymphedema and cachexia and she got a couple extra years, and I earned another Angel from it.