Did you find anything that helps? Witch Hazel is a savings grace for any itching. Do not scratch instead spay some witch hazel or rub it in. It also kills mites, if it is a mite. I have also been rubbing it all over my skin post showering with my hands and tons of what I believe are mites purge from the skin. Everclear is also s grain alcohol but stronger and it works even better for me. I soak a microfiber cloth in the everclear and wipe down with it. I have not experienced any burning either which is terrific skin I absolutely do not need any skin breaks. I’m doing a few other things as well and have finally been able to sleep at night with out being awakened by stabbing or itching. Please let me know what you have found out. The Albendazole treatments have literally done nothing for me! Tried it 4 separate times only to become even weaker with no relief.