Someone please help. I can't take it anymore.
This is the fourth night in a row with only three hours of sleep. Neither fidnemed tea nor melatonin knocks me out or keeps me asleep.
I'm having these SERIOUSLY HORRIBLE, wet wiggling/crawling sensations literally everywhere in my body. I've been doing a
parasite cleanse for 4 and a 1/2 weeks with a 6 day break in between. Is this a die off reaction? Will it stop eventually?
I’m taking the now foods tincture 3 times a day on a empty stomach and the wet, wiggling feeling is EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME and driving me crazy. I’m eating paleo (save a bit of yogurt), taking ACV after meals, eating 2-4 cloves of raw garlic, take a probiotic, poop once a day with the help of Intestinal Formula #1 and drinking 80
oz of water.
I’ve only seen a few things in my stool in the very beginning--definitely worms, maybe rope? Couldn't really identify. Now it’s just the ceaseless movement everywhere, including my ears. I haven’t even had a single herx reaction like what’s described everywhere (headaches, dizziness, nausea, any of that). I haven’t felt any different at all besides. Doesn’t that mean they aren’t really dying? I’m at my wits end and really scared.
I don’t know what else to do and I’m not getting results, and I don't want to take chemicals/drugs.
I'm crying, I have to go to work tomorrow, and I don't know how much longer I can deal with this.