Thank you! It turns out I'd only taken 2 tsp on Friday. Today I have taken 2 tbsp. It's approaching 5 hours again and I have had some gas about 9am, and two small BMs, but nothing of any note?
I really need to be getting a good clean out, but castor oil has a reputation for being quite violent in it's effect..... I have got to be able to keep working through this so I don't want to get too heavy handed and up my dose to the point it's unmanageable.
Maybe tomorrow I take 3 tbsp on an empty stomach in the morning again and see what happens, if nothing again then 4 tbsp the next day, and so on. At what dose should I accept it's not working?
What is interesting though today, and I find encouraging, is that I have noticed mucous for the first time - this must be a sign that is stimulating something, even if only to a very mild degree.