Has your husband tried any of the safer, more natural alternatives to pharmaceutical meds? I know that not all of them work for everyone, but a lot of them do work for a lot of people. He would have to come off meds before trying them as you cant take them with meds, but this might be an idea for him if he decides to come off Prozac. And I dont care what anyone says - diet plays a part. Personally speaking I have tried
St. Johns Wort
(Google them to find out more.)
I had minor improvements with the amino acids (5HTP and tyrosine) but I have weak digestion so taking them in pill form was not always effective.
SAMe and DMAE are expensive, so I did not continue them - the improvement I had on these was quite minor - had it been significant I probably would have found the money somewhere.
I am currently on St. Johns Wort and I have had the best results from this. Its the fourth time in my life I have used it and I have seen an improvement each time (my
Depression comes in cycles - high energy, very outgoing with great focus & motivation but high anxiety; then very low energy, extremely low moods, apathy, grief, reclusive almost agoraphobic).
St Johns Wort doesent make me 100% - maybe 50 - 60%, but it's enough to allow me to get through the day - DO stuff and be involved in my own life rather than just drifting along trying to keep my head above water.
Things that make me worse are wheat & dairy - I strongly suggest an allergy test for your husband; I found out I'm allergic to these two things and when I avoid them I feel so much better. Wheat especially, dont underestimate it, it can cause horrendous mental symptoms. Any allergy can cause all kind of mental & emotional symptoms though.
Meat - i'm vegetarian now and I dont plan to ever eat meat again. It makes me angry and negative and seems to take away my sense of compassion & connectedness, as well as my creativity. I do MUCH better off it. This is just my own observation from my own experience but I have heard similar from others.
Other nutritional factors can cause
Depression such as deficiencies and heavy metal poisoning. I have a theory about copper toxicity - some agree with me some dont but I've researched this a lot and spoken to a lot of people about their symptoms and I believe that it can play a huge part. I posted a bit about it in reply to someone else recently:
These books are very helpful, well worth a read at any rate:
Optimum nutrition for the mind by Patrick Holford (isbn 0-7499-2398-9)
Natural Highs by Patrick Holford (isbn 0-7499-2254-0)
The mood cure by Julia Ross (isbn 0-00-712803-7)
The No Grain Diet by Joseph Mercola (isbn 0-340-83235-5)
What are you really eating? by Amanda Ursell (isbn 1-4019-0688-5)
Kep going with the cleansing - I'm doing that too and I can say that as toxins get released from the body things also get released from the mind, I'm finding this is happening to me already but I have a long way to go yet.
One more thing - try EFT (Emotional freedom technique -check out the EFT forum)
or go to this website for more info
Wishing you luck