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I feel weird asking this or a Dr thinking I am crazy. But I have had plenty of weird health issues lately now wondering if
parasites may be the cause. Last night around 3am my daughter woke me because she was having a bad dream. While I woke up with usual extreme back pain. Except I felt like I needed to use the bathroom, but at the same time felt constipated. (I wasn't because I had went earlier in the day) But just felt weird. Lo & behold when I went to clean myself I felt something kind of coming out of me so I pulled it(despite feeling I couldn't push anything out). I did not take a pic but it was just weird feeling like I was pulling a string out that wasn't tearing. It was not thin at all. maybe circumference of a penny and maybe 5
inches or so long. Then I was weirded out, drank some water then felt the same way. Except this time this came out and it just looked too weird so I took a picture. Is this possibly a parasite??? Sorry if gross but just want to feel better and know how to address this if so.